Body Memory • Ft. Ekta P.

Something about creating memories for ourselves through body art like tattooing has seriously interested me for the longest time. Although, admittedly, I’m still not ready to get my very first tattoo despite the overwhelming support I’ve gotten from one of my good friends, Ekta. 

One day, I swear I’m going to push back my fears and get it over with. (I have so many potential ideas for at least one tattoo of my very own and it’s getting hard to not act on them at this point!) BUT in the meantime, I love to admire and ask about the tattoos others have gotten and the meanings behind them—and Ekta is one of those people! 

She already has 3 total: one on her back, one on her arm and the last on her wrist. The one on her back reads, “Dream” with a dream catcher to match alongside it, which is self explanatory. But the other two she had gotten with her parents and religion in mind. The one on her wrist signifies a classic element that belongs to her faith, which is Hinduism, while the one on her wrist pays homage to her parents and the meaning behind their cultural names. When I saw these gorgeously crafted tattoos of hers and also learned the meaning behind them, I near immediately realized how much these tattoos identify with the kind of person she is, what she values and what and who she’d like to remember for years to come. She’s never one to back down from pursuing her dreams, especially when it comes to her present career path, and never forgets where she comes from and to honor it gracefully and confidently. 

Rachel Ruckes